My acik a.k.a badak engaged with her 2-year bf ( also doctor) on 3/11 last year. Although her thighs are bigger (again)...she still manage to strap up a beautiful dress and hold her breath through the ceremony(cover perot) Congratz!!
My Langkawi vacay with dad was fantastic! The cable car was scary and extremely fun! You guys should really go there and feel it for yourself b'coz its totally overwhelming...
Muhd Imran Harith born 29 oct 2007 at Pusrawi, Kl. Although he was born last year but his presence feels more joyful this year b'coz now he can laugh (sometime with no reason) and look at us clearly. I hope this one will always brings happiness to the family and not following his brothers' naughtiness! X)
hey y'all, phat is back in the blog! its been long since i last post in this life and studies is getting bz-er & crazy-er everyday. And b'coz of that, i didnt even have a new resolution. But, i do want to do my best in IB and go to India/Aussie to fulfill my destiny. Chaiyok2!